"Codeine Prescribed to Some Kids Despite Dangers"
Codeine pain reliever frequently prescribed to children in emergency departments (dailyRx News) Some medications that can help adults can be dangerous to the small, developing bodies of children. A new…
Read More"Celiac Disease Linked to IBS in Kids"
Celiac disease more common in children with irritable bowel syndrome (dailyRx News) Celiac disease is not common among children, but it may have been underdiagnosed until recent years. Knowing risk…
Read More"False-Positive Mammograms Increased Women’s Worries"
Worrying about mammogram results may lead to stronger desire for more screenings (dailyRx News) Many women consider mammograms to be unpleasant but necessary tasks. However, the results of mammograms may…
Read More"When Anxiety Complicates ADHD"
Children with ADHD and two or more anxiety disorders struggle more (dailyRx News) Nearly half of all children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also have an anxiety disorder. It’s important…
Read More"Flu Vaccine Effective for Kids"
Influenza vaccine works in children under five years old in new study (dailyRx News) No vaccine is completely effective, so it’s helpful to understand how effective different vaccines are when…
Read More"Sleep Apnea Could Affect Bone Health"
Obstructive sleep apnea associated with risk of osteoporosis (dailyRx News) Sleep apnea has been linked to disease of the immune system and imflammatory diseases. But there’s one part of the…
Read More"Thyroid Problems May Vary By Race"
Graves disease rates were higher among military personnel who were not white but whites had more of another thyroid illness (dailyRx News) Some diseases are more dominant in certain groups…
Read More"Possible Deadly Consequence of Obesity before Pregnancy"
Overweight and obesity in mothers linked to increased fetal and infant deaths (dailyRx News) Being overweight has a wide range of health implications. One new study looked at how a…
Read More"Brain Injury in Teens Increased Emotional Issues"
Traumatic brain injury increased odds of psychological and behavioral problems in teenagers (dailyRx News) Every year, more than half a million teenagers experience a serious concussion. These brain injuries often…
Read More"Ohio Outbreak Now Involves Over 200 Mumps Cases"
Ohio mumps outbreak infections continue and spread with many patients still tied to Ohio State University (dailyRx News) An Ohio outbreak of mumps has continued this week, with a wider…
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